Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Monday model WIP [oil, 16”x20”]

Figure alla prima

Monday we had a beautiful model for our painting class with Ingrid.  I felt pretty good about my effort given only about 2.5 hours to paint.  Despite the warning from Ingrid that we often paint shoulders too big, I did exactly that.  Is it ever hard to figure out what isn’t working in a figure pose!  I did spend a fair bit of time measuring and re-measuring my drawing before I started blocking in and I think that helped.  The face is really bugging me though – I missed it totally on the color temperature for the shadow across her eyes.  Have a look at where I was at the end of class [below], and check out how long her right arm was!  I got the proportions “righter” but I’ve still got to deal with the color under her new hand…  or perhaps I’ll just wipe this and have another go next week. 

Figure alla prima just after class Cheers!

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1 comment:

Laurel Alanna McBrine said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Cheryl! I am in Toronto, but from B.C. originally, so have spent time in Calgary - all the best!