Sunday, June 8, 2008

Paintings from Grandma daze... I mean days

Sigh... I may well have left the "daze" in the title of this post. If I hadn't committed to myself to paint daily and post I'd be copping out right now.
For the record - I am balancing looking after myself (ie... sleeping enough to avoid crashing), painting daily (at least a bit), and spending some quality time with my daughter and Kiera and Kalista. Needless to say, I am getting a bit of all of those things accomplished. There are many things to do, many decisions as to which toys to move to Japan and which to sell ---- NOT THE FUN CONVERSATIONS....
Here are the paintings that have come out of this uptight environment. Loosening up a bit would help I realize... Also, when I get a little time to paint I just draw and paint. Spending some more time in the planning phase would be a great thing to do.... I'll get right on that when I arrive back in Calgary on Thursday.
We do have some art prepared by Kiera for her daddy Doug. She'll be spending Father's Day with Grandpa so we are sending some to him on Grandma's blog tomorrow.....

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runnerfrog said...

I think your goal with the blog is outstanding.
I love the painting of Hannah, I must say, and your tulips of May 21st.
Daily painting blogs are great, and I have to be back to see what else you show up here.

Cheryl Quist said...

thanks runnerfrog... hopefully with time my painting skills will improve too. Do you have a painting blog?

runnerfrog said...

Oh no, I don't have a painting blog, but I just like them, and some photography blogs, and I read some poetry and literature blogs, some sketch and drawing ones and only a few news blogs.
My blogs are more boring, one were I post my last thought before sleeping, another were I post kind of digital art. I just like to read blogs, instead of watching tv, but my working times lately have me a bit limited on reading.