This piece developed on the side yesterday when I was waiting for something else to dry. I had some paint mixed and some droppers handy and I just started to puddle around. Until the very end I drew/painted with a glass dropper. I dropped mixed paint - most were not my normal colors... cad orange,
viridian, brown madder, cobalt blue. I used a bit of green gold (becoming a
fav of mine), my standby ultramarine blue, and a bit of black ink. I continued to drop color here and there, sprayed water, and drew shapes, words and people. I found myself thinking about the webs the world weaves and everything that gets thrown at us by "the world". Eventually an arm and shoulder grew out of the mess and I emphasized it. It's an uncomfortable piece to look at... probably reflecting the state of things in my world these days
It's been an interesting few weeks and I keep coming back to the words of Christ in John 16:33 - "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you
will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." In this piece I've depicted my right shoulder turned away from "the fiery darts" and the blue represents peace which comes in waves - as in the real world. I added a "world" circle on the left with "over come" surrounding it. Interesting that we are guaranteed trouble and offered peace. Good thing, eh? ("huh" if you're south of the border;o) I'd say enjoy but that word might not apply to this painting. Have a look...
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