I see the quiet and refreshing days of summer in the juicy greens and quiet violets in the background of this abstract. Then there’s the exciting aspects of summer – lots of anticipation, planning, and then the FUN times all represented by the brightly colored weaving lines and paths. I hope you all had fun this summer! It’s hard to believe it’s [almost] over. Cheers!
Retweet thisThis blog documents my creative journey with watercolor, mixed media, & oil painting. I'm enjoying myself immensely and hope you find something uplifting in my paintings and/or their stories. This blog is primarily about PROCESS. If you'd like to check out PRODUCT, please contact me for information.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Coming [acrylic on wood panel, 12”x9”]
This is Chuck’s buoy as he is coming back in from boating. This was a very different day than the day I painted “Going”. Rather than blue skies above, it was a bit overcast making the sky reflections much more grey and there were lots of ripples.
Now that this is done, I’m not sure that “Coming” and “Going” will make a set. What do you think?
Retweet thisTuesday, August 17, 2010
Shuswap Afternoon [watercolor, 12”x16”]
This is the view from the dock where I’m staying on Shuswap Lake. It was a gorgeous afternoon so I set up and painted this while Ron read and took a ride on the seadoo. I’d love to paint with my feet dangling in the water like this every day – it was so comfy, although I could feel the sun burning my shins after a while! I suggested some figures in the painting to reflect the usual hustle and bustle of this lake home. This is a rare week with just Ron and I here. Quite often there are 10-20 people here at the same time. So much fun happens here. Cheers!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Homeward Bound [watercolor & Caran D’Ache, 12”x9”]
Some folks down the way have a little sailboat and they were out on the water yesterday. The colors, both on the sail and in the reflections, were calling my name. I’m not too happy with the water on this painting but I like how the figures turned out… simple shapes yet I got the suggestion of the strong sun on them.
Ron and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary with a lovely dinner at Table 24 in Salmon Arm tonight. I can highly recommend the current 3 course salmon dinner – very yummy! Awesome local fruit dessert. Get there soon if you’re going because they change the menu often. Ron’s steak and potatoes were good but “creative food” [like the yummy bruscetta we shared] is kind of wasted on him ;-) While we dined we did a little reminiscing on the highlights of our 35 years… very nice!
Retweet thisSunday, August 15, 2010
Elaine’s Rock Garden [watercolor, 12”x16”]
The weather here in BC has been spectacular since we arrived Thursday. The lighting was particularly spectacular yesterday afternoon in the garden. I loved how the cedars and the hydrangeas were catching the sun. The hard light on the steps and the rocks was a nice contrast with all that soft foliage.
Today we drove over to Eagle Bay for a visit with Joanne & Don Edie. They took us on a lovely boat ride eastward to the Cinnemouson Narrows and then a bit north where we cooled off with a swim. There were eagles flying above us and a small waterfall for music – heavenly. Ron took lots of great pics as usual :-)
Tomorrow we celebrate 35 years of marriage! I’m very thankful for Ron but the time sure has flown since 1975. We’ve lived in Saskatchewan [3 towns], BC, Alberta [2 towns], and Illinois [2 towns]. We have 3 lovely children, all married, and 8 beautiful grandchildren. It’s been quite a run.
Retweet thisSaturday, August 14, 2010
Going [acrylic, 12”x9”]
There are lots of these around the neighbourhood in BC’s lake country. This one happens to be directly in front of the cabin and struck me as quite an interesting subject, particularly the reflections. This side seems to face shore and departing boats would be going out… thus the name. More tomorrow!
Retweet thisFriday, August 13, 2010
Sun on Copper Island [acrylic on board, 8”x10”]
I’m visiting Sorrento, BC right now and we are having a lovely, relaxing time. For me that means painting. I used Golden heavy body acrylics in my little [about 6”x8”] palette with Sta Wet sponge and paper for this one… it’s working well but very little space to mix, etc. When I get home again I’m going to set up a much larger one… I need more room! It’s nice and small though and that’s a great thing when you’re working outside. Also, the sides are about 2” deep and that keeps the moisture in longer – critical for success with acrylic paints.
The subject is Copper Island of course… but the shadows on the distant hill were SO cool as they clung to the form of the mountain! The boat is NOT well done. Anybody that’s seen the real Malibu will know that immediately – sorry Chuck!. I’ll try to fix it later… cheers!
Retweet thisTuesday, August 10, 2010
Bored [ink on westjet airsick bag]
I’ve been in Ottawa for the past 5 days – what fun! But yesterday I packed in such a hurry that I had nothing but a pen and the airsick bag to doodle on. About the only thing I could draw from life was my own hand. hmmm… good practice anyway! I have lots of lovely photos from my trip to use for painting reference. Should be fun!
Retweet thisFriday, August 6, 2010
Alone on the Ottawa [watercolour, 12”x9”]
This is the view out the kitchen window of Matthew and Christina’s home in Petawawa, Ontario. Framed by backyard shrubs and towering blue spruce, the view of the wide Ottawa River is spectacular. The water level is quite low this week and I noticed this tiny island with a small, tenacious white pine tree growing on it. This little tree looks much like The White Pine in A J Casson’s painting, a copy of which hangs in their living room.
It feels like I’ve had a long break from painting and I’m looking forward to getting back into the routine and discipline… soon. Just now I am enjoying my visit in Ottawa.
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