This blog documents my creative journey with watercolor, mixed media, & oil painting. I'm enjoying myself immensely and hope you find something uplifting in my paintings and/or their stories. This blog is primarily about PROCESS. If you'd like to check out PRODUCT, please contact me for information.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Abstract... the end of the beginning

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Red Trees revisited
Monday, January 26, 2009
this and that...

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Ted Nuttall's "A Garden in Her Face" copy attempt

As I painted today I could hardly make myself stop for breaks - it was so fun! I missed the mark considerably but it was a worthwhile exercise and I'm even more impressed with Ted Nuttall's work than I was before. This painting was featured in Splash 8 - click on the link above to go to Ted's site and see the original and many other beautiful paintings. Enjoy! Retweet this
Friday, January 23, 2009
Red Trees as promised

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Watercolor trees

This is the painting as it was last night... after class and after landing face down, unscathed, in the Chinook Bay parking lot. Here's the list of concerns:
- the yellow seemed too dark or bright or something... Sharon suggested that it was too solid, no variety in the yellow hue.
- the value of the red trees is the same as the tree trunks... thanks Joanne for that lesson on values and the color wheel. In my value study the branches are at least 2 values lighter than the trunks...
- the shapes of the right hand foreground tree are too similar and spaced equally. Big bad!
So, these issues in combination with my burning desire to play with my Golden fluid acrylics gave me an idea. Why not glaze the entire painting with gesso (basically white acrylic)? That will knock the value of the red down. Adding a slight yellow tint to some of that gesso might help vary the yellow background a bit too. Of course that will give me an opportunity to change shapes as well. To a previously die-hard watercolorist this seems like a cheat. I'm fighting that instinct and it's actually kind of freeing!!! Tomorrow I'll post on the results of this little experiment... stay tuned!
Retweet thisMonday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
ATC's..... All Through Creating Artist Trading Cards

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Exiting Paradise (14"x10")

Here's the learning (again): when I get an idea like that I need to grab my sketch book and do a value pattern sketch to see if it is worth pursuing and sort out composition, etc. It's not that I hate this painting but if I'd taken that 10 minutes to think it through I would have changed several things before proceeding. [the list is too long to type, lol]
Actually, considering it's been over 6 weeks since I've painted more than an ATC, I'm going to give myself a break on this one. I'm seriously out of practice and I had to get moving on something, right? I really loved watching sailboats in a moon glade though... very pretty. We had a harbour view unit at Paradise Village in Nuevo Vallarta where I visualized this. What a gift that week was to Ron and I. Beautiful sunny weather with somebody you love. You can't ask for much more from life than that really.
'night... Retweet this
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Altered Book Project - Introduction

Monday, January 12, 2009
ATC Treasure Chest

In order to get myself started on these I grabbed some "starts", found interesting places and cut them out. From that point I just ponder the pattern before me and start making a line here, a wash there, some ink to define this or that... etc. It's lots of fun...
I'm also preparing a book to be altered... it's got a great title and I'll tell you all about that tomorrow. Really, I WILL tell you about it TOMORROW!
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